This finely crocheted bonnet was probably handmade by Louise Panneton (1915-1968) or her mother, Anne-Marie Taché.

On June 2, 1941, in the Immaculate Conception parish in Trois-Rivières, Louise Panneton, the eldest daughter of Dr. Auguste Panneton and Anne-Marie Taché, married Harvey Rivard.

The Rivard couple had four sons: Jean, born in 1942, Alain, born in 1944, Benoit, born in 1947, and François. All four were probably baptized wearing this bonnet.

As for Harvey Rivard, the son of Joseph-Sévère Rivard, a piano merchant, and Regina Harvey, he was born on August 20, 1913, in Trois-Rivières. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts de Montréal and did an internship with the photographer Livernois in Quebec City.

In 1933, he began his career as a photographer/portraitist. He set up his shop in Trois-Rivières at 1439, rue Notre-Dame. During his 60-year career, he took more than 100,000 shots, usually portraits, with the same camera: an Eastman Kodak.

His photographic work is characterized, among other things, by the use of a red-ochre tint when finishing his photographs. Although Mr. Rivard moved all his negatives as well as his equipment into his home in the early ’90s, the business did not really end until his death on November 25, 1995.

A few months before his death, Harvey Rivard gave all his negatives to the Archives du Séminaire Saint-Joseph de Trois-Rivières.

Donation from Harvey Rivard
Musée Pierre-Boucher Collection
1994 66 C